Dr. Samuel Richardson
Booking ServicesAbout Me

I empower families of faith to take pride in their
core values and traditions
so they can preserve their heritage
in the midst of a changing culture

What are we leaving
to future generations?

While this is a fair question, it’s true that
we rarely make intentional decisions
that will create a vital, resilient
community for our future generations.

There is a better way.
Learn how to “think small.”


Discover how this 3-part process of “thinking small” strengthens identity and empowers communities to not only thrive today but also intentionally prepare for tomorrow.

“Sam’s presentation helped us not only to clarify our values as a community, but to understand the boundaries protecting those values that will help our members thrive today and reproduce themselves.”

Ilan Pardo

Rabbi, Temple Beth-El of Patchogue, NY

“When Sam Richardson presented this program for our congregation it was standing room only. He speaks in such a relational way that everyone felt drawn in. This course is a rich blessing for all participants.”

Rev. Liz Forney

Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville, VA



